Aid for greenhouse modernization


The deadline has been opened for the application for aid for the comprehensive transformation and modernization of greenhouses in the Region of Murcia established in Royal Decree 948/2021, of November 2, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the European Union, NextGenerationEU.

Aid for the comprehensive transformation and modernization of greenhouses

These aid seek to promote investments to improve the sustainability, competitiveness and resilience of the agri-food sector from an economic, environmental and social point of view, in addition to promoting a change in the agricultural production model, among other objectives.

Aid beneficiaries:

  • Private natural or legal persons, producers of vegetables or cut flowers or ornamental plants under greenhouses, who are owners of an agricultural holding.
  • In the case of collective investments, natural or legal persons, of a private nature, or without their own personality in accordance with the terms provided in the artículo 67.2 del Real Decreto-ley 36/2020, de 30 de diciembre, comprising a minimum of five farm owners and any organization of fruit and vegetable producers, cooperative or agricultural processing society recognized by the competent authority whose members are owners of an agricultural farm producing vegetables or cut flowers or ornamental plants under greenhouse.

Submission Deadline: Open – Application submission: 07/20/2023 until 08/21/2023

How can we help you within the framework of aid?

  • The installation of irrigation sensors.
  • The installation of nutrient analysis sensors.
  • The installation of light sensors.
  • The installation of humidity sensors.
  • The installation of sensors for atmospheric variables.

For more information, access the official page of aid for greenhouse modernization.

At Odin Solutions we have been developing smarter, more efficient and sustainable businesses through IoT technology for more than 9 years, and our customized solutions already operate in agriculture, industry, smart cities and infrastructures in more than 30 countries. Our Smart Agro platform includes various features to help you digitalize your farm, such as integration with sensors and controllers, so you can make the best decisions and maximize yields while taking care of the planet.

Do you need more information about these aids?

Our commercial department will be happy to assist you

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