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Research on a control platform for the barley manufacturing process with Estrella de Levante using augmented reality.

The main objective of the project is to implement an open and interoperable IoT platform, based on a modular architecture to which all components or products (assets) of the entire production process will be connected to exchange information and make decisions. All necessary interfaces will be implemented and the latest communications technologies will be used to connect all components to the platform. All the information managed by the platform allows us to have a deep knowledge of the production process and thus be able to make security and efficiency improvements, through the implementation of services on the platform.

The objective is to take advantage of the capabilities offered by the Internet of Things and the processing of new CPS devices and intelligent sensors to make use of new inter-operability paradigms. To do this, an intelligent platform will be developed that provides added value to the beer production value chain that goes from the field to the factory. The participants in this project are three companies from the Region of Murcia and a Research Center. This consortium is led by ESTRELLA DE LEVANTE FÁBRICA DE CERVEZA, SAU, a large company dedicated to the manufacturing, packaging and distribution of beer. It is accompanied by ODIN SOLUTIONS SL (a technology company with more than ten years dedicated to the design, development and implementation of products based on the Internet of Things for the monitoring and tele-management of infrastructures), TECNOLOGÍAS DIM SL (a technology company focused on research and technological development in the field of communication and information technologies).

Additionally, the Intelligent Systems and Advanced Telematics Group (GSIT) of the Department of Information and Communications Engineering of the University of Murcia (UMU) will participate in the project. Zerintia Technologies, a leading company in the development of technological solutions based on Wearable Technology and Internet of Things, and Interagreisa SL will also collaborate as subcontractors, as an interlocutor company between ELESA, farmers and technical advisor in the crop cycle. The SIROCO project, with file number ITC-20161215, has been subsidized by the CDTI, supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, within the FEDER Innterconnect program in the 2016 call.

They participate

Project deployment