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Stations and monitoring in an experimental farm in Colombia


A university in Colombia needed monitoring tools for the experiments carried out on its experimental farm. To do so, it was essential to have a system that would allow real-time monitoring of key environmental variables in its agricultural and livestock production areas, facilitating the collection, analysis and management of data for research.

Implemented Solution

To meet this objective, a comprehensive system was implemented based on:

-Four stations located in pastures and forages, production greenhouses and avocado crops, which allow measuring: Temperature; Relative Humidity; Atmospheric Pressure; Vapor Pressure; Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)

-Two stations installed in the poultry and pig production areas, dedicated to monitoring: Gases; Humidity; Temperature

-Mex03G Datalogger Controller:
This device not only allows real-time monitoring, but also facilitates process automation through its latch output, transforming the collected data into concrete actions in the field. Its ability to integrate additional sensors (SDI-12, current and voltage) allows the system to be scaled without significant costs.

-WiCloudS management software:
WiClouds provides access to undergraduate and graduate researchers, enabling efficient data analysis and promoting decision-making based on real information.


Availability of real-time analytical data for agricultural and livestock experiments.
Process optimization through data-driven automation.
Accessible platform for researchers, promoting innovation in agricultural production.
Greater efficiency in decision-making, benefiting students, farmers, teachers and technicians.

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