
Caso de éxito-city-Murcia Ciudad Inteligente
1 de May de 2023

Murcia Smart City

OdinS has provided an application based on the FIWARE platform for the monitoring and control of public services of the Murcia City…

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Caso de éxito-agro-invernadero inteligente

Smart greenhouse

Currently, greenhouse irrigation is operated manually by the operator when he considers it appropriate without precise information about the crop. Therefore, more…

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Caso de éxito-agro-trazabilidad y huella hidro-energética en agricultura

Traceability and hydro-energy footprint in agriculture

OdinS installed its Country explorer crop monitoring system at Finca Las Tiesas (LT)(50 ha), which is located northwest of the city center…

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Caso de éxito-agro-tratamiento de agua

Water treatment

OdinS has provided the SOB distributors company with the Country explorer management system to carry out remote management of all the water…

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Caso de éxito-agro-gestión de regadíos y comunidades de regantes

Stream and flood monitoring

As an example of an OdinS success story in the area of ​​application of our Country explorer solution for environmental monitoring, we…

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gestión regadíos

Irrigation management and irrigation communities

OdinS has developed a wireless remote control system for the company Hidroconta using a GSM/GPRS network for irrigation systems in irrigation communities….

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Gestión de edificios inteligentes en la nube. El objetivo de Smart2B es hacer que los edificios existentes sean más inteligentes mediante el…

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Research on Virtualized Network Applications within the 5G Infrastructure. As 5G approaches a very high level of maturity, testing and validation of…

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Research to create a predictive and proactive system for the intelligent management of residential and commercial buildings. PRECEPT is the European project…

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Research on the integration of legacy devices to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. Smart TVs and speakers, or virtual assistants are…

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