
Smart Agro OdinS
1 de May de 2023


Research in big data and distributed IoT platforms in smart agriculture scenario Saving energy and water in irrigated crops. With the impact…

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IoT4Industry – Cysema

Cybersecurity research for remote deployment and programming. The main objective of the CYSEMA project is to demonstrate an integrated cybersecurity solution based…

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Research in a federal security system for IoT scenarios Fed4IoT is a great research project with these objectives:…

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IoT Crawler

Research on a search engine for IoT devices and databases to share information. The objective of the project is to define interoperable…

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30 de April de 2023

Plug and Harvest

Research on energy optimization systems for intelligent buildings based on adaptive facades and renewable energies. Plug-n-Harvest is a 4-year project, funded by…

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Cybersecurity research based on NFV (Network Function Virtualization) and SDN (Software Define Network). A large number of devices (gadgets, drones and even…

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Research into platform for advanced smart city services OdinS is participating in the H2020 project, called, between Europe and Japan that…

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Research in test scenarios for IoT devices, communication protocols and security/privacy. The Internet of Things (IoT) is being implemented rapidly, making it…

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Safe and intelligent management of refrigerated goods through advanced sensorization and data analytics. The GUARDIAN project (Safe and Intelligent Management of refrigerated…

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Industry 4.0 for the production of vegetables in smart containers using IoT technologies, hydroponics and LED lighting. El proyecto Hidroleaf consiste en…

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