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Regional Call for Aid for the Application of Precision Agriculture and 4.0 technologies in the agricultural and livestock sector, Region of Murcia.

We inform you of the Regional Call for Aid for the Application of Precision Agriculture and 4.0 technologies in the agricultural and livestock sector, Region of Murcia.

The deadline is open until June 3.

Name. Organizational structureGrants for the Application of Precision Agriculture and 4.0 technologies in the agricultural and livestock sector, Region of MurciaMinistry of Water, Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Environment
ObjectGrants for the implementation of equipment for the application of precision agriculture and 4.0 technologies in the agricultural and livestock sector.
Beneficiaries, requirementsa) Individuals or legal entities, which are considered private companies, which are owners of agricultural and/or livestock farms, registered by the competent body of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, and provided that they are considered SMEs.b) In the case of collective investments, groups of individuals or legal entities, which are considered private companies, or without their own personality in accordance with the terms provided in Article 67.2 of the Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of December 30, and any organization or association of producers recognized by the competent authority, that integrate, a minimum of five holders of exploitation whenever they have the consideration of SMEs.c) Natural or legal persons that provide agronomic services, understanding by such, those who develop economic activities registered in the epigraph 911, 912 or 851 in the Tax of Economic Activities, that have the consideration of SMEs.
Financing and AmountThe minimum amount to attend to the investments of the concession of the aid, will be of 5,000.00 euros, as well as the maximum amount will be of 300,000.00 euros. An aid intensity of 40% of eligible costs is established; however, this limit may be increased by 20 percentage points in the case of collective investments, joint investment projects and those carried out by beneficiaries who are young farmers.
Deadline for submission From May 4 to June 3, 2022, inclusive.

For more information please contact us or visit the official website of the call for proposals.

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