Plenary meeting of the Masterpiece project in Sardinia

📰 The fourth plenary session of the Masterpiece project took place on May 21 and 22 in the city of Olbia, Italy

The project seeks to promote energy communities in different parts of Europe, with pilots in both urban and rural areas. A notable example is the pilot in Berchidda, a small Italian town of about 3,000 inhabitants that is betting on this new energy model with MASTERPIECE.

The first day there were presentations from different lead partners of different work packages of the project with the aim of aligning the tasks carried out and the progress made, as well as planning the next steps. Also that day, all the partners involved in the project went to visit the Italian Pilot, in the municipality of Berchidda, where they could see up close the implementations carried out so far.

On the second day of the event, more presentations of other work packages were made, opening up the debate for alignment between packages and the event ended successfully presenting its conclusions and action points for the coming months.

More information about the MASTERPIECE project:

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